53 Brentwood Blog

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Things I love Early in the Morning

1) The doorbell ringing at 8 AM.

2) The doorbell ringing at 8 AM when you don't have to be into work til 11:30.

3) A roommate answering the door, but only after you decide that you have to answer it and so you get out of bed, but before you get downstairs you hear the front door being opened.

4) A carpenter knocking on your Door at 8:30 AM so that he can take window measurements, after you have fallen back to sleep.

5) The fact that even while half asleep you know that the 2 windows in your room are different sizes, and have to tell this to the carpenter, who has only measured 1 window, and has just said, "well, they are both the same size so you don't have to move those plants."


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