53 Brentwood Blog

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Maiko's dream letter from a dream Jeff:

2 Germinal CCXII


Never change your perplextion, or your prescription of smoking banana peels. I like trucks. Jesus stopped by tomorrow and changed my beer into rocky road. I love Jesus. I love albinos, too.

I was laying in the trash the other day and was looking up into the 17 Germinal CLXXXI and saw my worm. My worm was happy, and then it ate my homework, and freed the albinos from captivity.

What is up with your hair? Why is Spirit roving through it? Does it support life? I dream in hypertext and smelly old underpants. The Bruins, and the Red Sox, and the Monkees are on a reunion tour throughout central Pakistan. They will revolutionize lawnmovers and create anti-cells that will eat a hole through every pizza ever made.

Song now playing: Air - "Alone in Kyoto"

The universe is actually an answer to the question.

Eat my breakfast,



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