53 Brentwood Blog

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Doc, I love you.

Not many people can say: "Back when I was just 80 I wrote my last book..."
But Chalmers M. Roberts can. And he actually did say so once, in an interview.
The book, published in 1991, was titled "How Did I Get Here So Fast?"
(For sure I didn't say that - How Did I Get Here So Fast? - a few weeks ago, when I got back to Nijmegen from Italy on my motorbike, after a 15 hours trip...)
But anyway, back to Chalmers M. Roberts. That's right, "back " is the word. He had some back problems, let's see how he dealt with this...

"The pads between the bones in my back are worn out, exposing the nerves, which caused
me, a couple years ago, excruciating back pains. My back doctor sent me to Sibley's pain center, where another doctor gave me a shot in exactly the right spot in my spine. This relieved the pain of my spinal stenosis for a couple of years, after which a second shot gave me another couple of years without hurting too much.

But when the pain again began to return and I asked my back doctor about a third shot, he began to talk to me about possible back surgery. I replied: Oh no, not at my age. I want a second opinion. So he sent me down to another back doctor. After he examined my MRI pictures, this doctor looked at me and said: At 92, with this back, no surgery. I said: Doc, I love you. "


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