53 Brentwood Blog

Saturday, October 08, 2011

I think it had to be scrapped.

The Rangers player Gordon Durie had stitched me up over something, so I asked to borrow his car after training one day. I'd been fishing early that morning, and I had a couple of trout with me. I put one in the boot. I knew that's where he would look once the smell started. But I squeezed the second one in between the back seat and the floor. A couple of days later, Durie handed me the trout from the boot. "Good try, mate." Three or four days after, he came up to us again: "My car still stinks. I can't understand it." When he found out, he went mental, but it was worth it. The chairman wasn't too chuffed, though. The car was a sponsored one, provided by the club. I think it had to be scrapped.

Paul Gascoigne -

guardian.co.uk, Friday 7 October 2011


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