53 Brentwood Blog

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

The heat is making me regret not buying that air conditioner.

Sunday, July 28, 2002

Yesterday, beautiful weather in the Low Lands. We had dinner in the garden,
pasta with a great tomato sauce and tomato salad.
What would life be without tomatoes ?

Friday, July 26, 2002

"Dude, let's get stoned." - Jeff, sometime during the late 1980's

Thursday, July 25, 2002

- Nothing is built on stone, everything on sand, but our duty is to build as if sand were stone…- Jorge Luis Borges, Fragments from an Apocryphal Gospel. For our Spanish speaking readers: - Nada se edifica sobre la piedra, todo sobre la arena, pero nuestro deber es edificar como si fuera piedra la arena... - Fragmentos de un Evangelio Apocrifo.

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

- Believe that others are just or will be, and if it proves untrue, it is not your fault.- Jorge Luis Borges, Fragments from an Apocryphal Gospel. For our Spanish speaking readers: - Piensa que los otros son justos o lo seran, y si no es asi, no es tuyo el error. - Fragmentos de un evangelio apocrifo.

Saturday, July 20, 2002

- For me, Williams is the classic ballplayer of the game on a hot August weekday before a small crowd, when the only thing at stake is the tissue-thin difference between a thing done well and a thing done ill.- John Updike.

Friday, July 19, 2002

From the poem - A Conservative - by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. (1860–1935):
- I thought that life could have no sting to infant butterflies …-

Sunday, July 14, 2002

Oh my God !!!! Just here, in this little gem (Nijmegen) in the center of Europe, where I ended up, once a year something really amazing happens: approximately 40,000 people, coming from all over Europe, walk 50 km per day, for 4 days! Other 500,000 people flood the city, because everynite it’s a party in the streets of Nijmegen. I’ll join the 500,000 drinkers, rather than the 40,000 walkers; maybe next year I’ll walk…


Thursday, July 11, 2002

This is an old one, but I like it: ' Perhaps innocence makes its way easiest through the elemental chaos of this world' . Kafka.

Monday, July 01, 2002

does anyone have an email address for Alexis? thanks.