53 Brentwood Blog

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

L for nothing

Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., O.J.'s lawyer, died yesterday at his home in Los Angeles.

From the Washington Post:

Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. was born Oct. 2, 1937, in Shreveport, La.; his middle initial stood for nothing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wine Day

Wine Day is officially May 3rd.

But only in the country of Freedonia that is.

And when is the Wine Day?

Monday, March 21, 2005

First day of Spring.

Open your heart

to Nature,

but don't open your nose

to that mass of microspores in seed plants appearing usually as a fine dust.

(pollen: www.merriam.com)

Friday, March 18, 2005

This post brought to you by the new and improved Neptunian Brain Slug

Insert one on your head today.

Neptunian Brain Slugs will not itch, burn or defecate on you.

You can trust Neptunian Brain Slugs, as they are mass produced on Neptune's moon Naiad, by hardworking men and women controlled by Neptunian Brain Slugs.

Neptonian Brain Slugs are at war with the Futurama Brain Slug Party.

All hail the great Brain Slug Bonanza.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Prince Charles visited New Zealand, where he was met by a woman with the words "GET YOUR COLONIAL SHAME OFF MY BREASTS" written across her bare chest. The Prince smiled.

Paul Ford, HARPER'S WEEKLY REVIEW March 15, 2005.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

How to post photos

The Queen Victoria
Originally uploaded by jadedturtle.
Maiko, since you haven't emailed me back or posted any photos, I'll have to tell you how to post photos from flickr on the blog.

Follow this link: How do I post photos to my blog?

Now post some pics, or the Gecko will get you. That meanspirited Gecko is a bad mofo.

Giulio having only taught at 2nd rate colleges I thought you'd understand Maiko's High School experiences more.


Finally some exchange of ideas on this blog!
So Maiko, you are saying that basically what we see in those movies about urban schools is indeed true... that's sad indeed, and must be pretty difficult to really teach something in that environment.
But than again, in those movies there is always the hero who's going to change the situation, renovate the music room, fix the broken toilettes and so on and so forth - but this rarely happens in real life, I guess.

By the way, I love the sentence "Beware as not to hit your head on a tofu as you may hurt yourself."!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Umm, sorry I hit my head.

"Beware as not to hit your head on a tofu as you may hurt yourself."

That is a bizarre sentence.

Just Bizarre.

"Tofu Song" by ex-Girl:

Dad: Take flies away above your head at first.
If you don't wanna hit your head to edge of tofu to die.
Child: Shut up, shut up, shut your mouth!

Must be a Japanese thing.

"So from the gecko, they are set up to fail in the society"

The Gecko?

Friday, March 11, 2005

Nice story about mercury, Maiko.
But was really true or you just made it up?
I like short stories, but only when they are short. Yours was way too long for me, so I didn't make it to the end of it.
Did it have a good ending?

Jee, for a bit of a mercury spill you write something like a novel. Just because you got stuck with nice kids for a few hours in a classroom.
What should I write - after being stuck for 5 years in a house with you guys ?
A book??

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Fireworks 2004, 2
Originally uploaded by jadedturtle.
Still reading your last post.

Will be back soon.

Maiko: Did you get my email about blogging photos from Flickr?

Cause I sent it to 3 of the 6 email addresses I have for you.

So post a pic already, or at least give us the url of your Flickr account.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Polar temperatures, Giulio and Lausanne

I moved again.
From The Netherlands to another country which ends in 'land', that is, Switzerland.
The timing for moving was not really the best, since I found myself riding the motorbike, from The Netherlands to Switzerland, through Germany, in freezing cold temperatures. It was snowing even in Spain. But I made it, though at a certain point I couldn't really tell whether my toes were still alive.
Anyway, my old email address should work for a while, otherwise use gambarota@gmail.com (nice gift of my sweet friend Sujata) .
PS Maiko, why you never call ME?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Phone Call

Maiko called me today.

She said, "Hi its Maiko."

I said, "Michael who?"

In the backgound it sounded like a zoo or a disaster site.

She said, "Its Maiko."

I said, "Hi."

We talked a bit, seems someone is trying to kill Maiko on Wednesdays by spilling Mercury at her place of employment.

Maiko is not daunted though, she knows Mercury when she sees it.

She then had to go, the whole conversation took place in about 90 seconds.