53 Brentwood Blog

Monday, October 10, 2011

Nec te quaesiveris extra - (ne te quaesiveris extra)

“Do not seek outside yourself.”
or “Look within.”

Flores sententiarum, raccolta di 5000 sentenze, proverbi e motti latini

"Sugar Finney" EBTG

Married in black, divorced in white
Though daddy tried to teach her wrong from right
It's hard to resist on a wintry night
When you're out of mind, when you're out of sight
This you shouldn't
And this you should
Oh, but Sugar Finney never could be good

I've grown a little weary of this old town
A conscience sure can bring you down
I'd like to hang around Chicago bars
With murderers and movie stars
And presidents who'd rather be
Alone with would be sinners like me

America is free
Cheap and easy

They say Sugar Finney went off her head
Lay once a month in a blood stained bed
But me, I'm careful where I tread
No handsome boy will ever leave me dead
For beauty is no guarantee
I'll take the looks and the rest you can keep
The rest you can keep
I hope it makes you happy
Suggar Finney

America is free
Cheap and easy

(Children pray for me
Such is the price of infamy
Tell them I was never happy
Goodbye Bobby Kennedy
In the White House still asleep,
Goodnight Jackie Kennedy
America is free
Cheap and easy)

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Charles Morse: You know, I once read an interesting book which said that, uh, most people lost in the wilds, they, they die of shame.
Stephen: What?
Charles Morse: Yeah, see, they die of shame. "What did I do wrong? How could I have gotten myself into this?" And so they sit there and they... die. Because they didn't do the one thing that would save their lives.
Robert Green: And what is that, Charles?
Charles Morse: Thinking.

The Edge

Saturday, October 08, 2011

The Onion - obituary - Steve Jobs

CUPERTINO, CA—Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple Computers and the only American in the country who had any clue what the fuck he was doing, died Wednesday at the age of 56.

I think it had to be scrapped.

The Rangers player Gordon Durie had stitched me up over something, so I asked to borrow his car after training one day. I'd been fishing early that morning, and I had a couple of trout with me. I put one in the boot. I knew that's where he would look once the smell started. But I squeezed the second one in between the back seat and the floor. A couple of days later, Durie handed me the trout from the boot. "Good try, mate." Three or four days after, he came up to us again: "My car still stinks. I can't understand it." When he found out, he went mental, but it was worth it. The chairman wasn't too chuffed, though. The car was a sponsored one, provided by the club. I think it had to be scrapped.

Paul Gascoigne -

guardian.co.uk, Friday 7 October 2011

Friday, October 07, 2011

3 women fighting for the... droits de l'homme :)

3 donne che difendono i diritti .. degli uomini :)

Viva le donne

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf - Leymah Gbowee - Tawakul  Karman

The Nobel Peace Prize 2011 was awarded jointly to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work".

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Fra Barletta e Cupertino

One apple, two apples. One idea, two ideas.

If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.

QI Quote of the Day - BBC 6OCT2011

I've been a fan and follower of the Apple way, especially when it was by far the best alternative to the Microsoft empire – and when it was the best in class, period. I bought my first Apple product in the 1970s.

But in the past half-decade, as Apple became increasingly powerful, I have found myself less enchanted with a company I'd supported with my words and, ultimately, tens of thousands of dollars of my own money. Where Steve Jobs had been the freedom fighter, he was becoming the emperor, creating a regime of secrecy, manipulation and control-freakery to accompany the ongoing, even accelerating, innovation.

My respect – no, awe – for Jobs's genius has only grown, but I couldn't ultimately follow him into a walled garden, however comfortable, that contradicted what I believed in, and what he once stood for. I was no longer his kind of customer, though; he aimed now for the masses who preferred to live in Apple's warm but controlling embrace, and he succeeded.

Dan Gillmor
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 6 October 2011

We are.

We are, between Barletta and Cupertino.

Come si riconosce un genio? Qual è il confine tra un imprenditore e un rivoluzionario, tra un produttore di oggetti e un progettista di futuro? Forse accade quando un' industria forma una cultura, un prodotto si trasforma in un' abitudine e un uomo diventa un paradigma: testa inimitabile, vicenda imprevedibile, successo irriproducibile. È il cervello che conta: i girocollo neri e i Levi' s 501 si comprano.

Apple è nata con Steve Jobs, senza di lui era moribonda, con lui è risorta. C' era una mistica, nel marchio della mela morsicata, in cerca di un profeta. Ma l' aspetto ieratico, il carattere difficile, l' egocentrismo e gli annunci teatrali non sarebbero bastati. L' America è piena di personaggi, sceneggiature e coreografie. La differenza l' hanno fatta i prodotti.
Beppe Severgnini

Una palazzina che crolla a Barletta, dopo giorni di scricchiolii sentiti ma inascoltati. Crolla su un laboratorio tessile dove lavora una piccola comunità di donne: sono operaie senza contratto, guadagnano 3,95 euro l’ora, per 14 ore ogni giorno. Muoiono in 5: quattro ragazze che ogni mattina si trovavano nell’opificio e con loro la figlia adolescente del titolare. I loro nomi – Maria, Matilde, Giovanna, Antonella, Tina – e le loro voci che per alcune ore sono arrivate da sotto le macerie raccontano una parte del Paese, il nostro Paese, che spesso dimentichiamo.

La verità è che la tragedia pugliese reca anche il segno di un Paese che si sta pericolosamente adattando al ribasso. Che sta raschiando il fondo del barile.
Dario Di Vico

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

In his private life, he refused to acknowledge paternity or pay child support for his first daughter for years. He threatened sue teenagers who published Apple gossip on their Web sites. He refused to put license plates on his Mercedes-Benz and parked in handicapped parking spots at the company until the public ridicule became too great.
Decades later, he attempted to stop the publication of two unauthorized biographies; he persuaded Vanity Fair to cancel the serialization of one, and after the publisher of the second book refused to stop publication, Mr. Jobs yanked all that publisher's books from Apple’s retail stores.


Steven Paul Jobs was born Feb. 24, 1955, in San Francisco to unwed parents, University of Wisconsin grad student Joanne Carole Schieble and a Syrian exchange student, Abdulfattah Jandali. He was adopted shortly after birth by Paul and Clara Jobs.

Steve Jobs, Apple’s Visionary, Dies at 56.

just yesterday, I posted here his famous remarks to Sculley, about 'selling sugar water'.....

During slumping economies ...

[...] We’re fated to yearn for qualities in presidents that we found missing in the last one, so Americans are intrigued by unpolished, unvarnished, impolitic, knock-some-heads-together, passionate, chesty, even hefty.

When Barack Obama burst onto the scene, his lithe frame signaled youth and energy and modernity. He seemed well-read and well-briefed, yet he traveled light, with an airy gait and a sleek look. He nibbled at food and drank Black Forest Berry Honest Tea, avoiding all the campaign junk the rest of us inhaled.

But now his asceticism seems more like a reflection of his cherished membership in the technocratic priesthood — and an unnerving mirror of our starving economy. He’s an egghead who surrounds himself with eggheads, even when they have helped wreck the economy he’s trying to save.

Christie looks less interested in eggheads than eggs Benedict with a side of hash browns and bacon. The Republican’s girth seems reassuring in lean times. Studies have shown that during slumping economies, men may find plumper women more attractive. So why shouldn’t financially stressed voters find plumper pols more appealing?

By M Dowd -nytmes- October 4, 2011

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

sell sugar water

While Jobs pursued his MacMission he needed a more orthodox chief executive to run the company. A respectable face who could sell to corporate America. He chose Pepsi-Cola executive John Sculley. Sculley refused - leave Pepsi for 4 year old company that had been set up in a garage! Are you serious?! But it was hard saying no to Steve Jobs.

John Sculley
President, Apple Computer, 1983-93
And then he looked up at me and just stared at me with the stare that only Steve Jobs has and he said do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or do you want to come with me and change the world and I just gulped because I knew I would wonder for the rest of my life what I would have missed.


Monday, October 03, 2011

Preferisco la coppa - Carlo Ancelotti.

Diritti devoluti alla fondazione di Stefano Borgonovo per la lotta alla Sla
Prefazione di Paolo Maldini: "Carletto non se la tira mai, tranne che a tavola, perché una volta che inizia a mangiare può fermarlo solo l'esorcista. Da quando è diventato allenatore si siede a un tavolo a parte, con un menù a parte, con una capacità di digestione a parte".